Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fascinating Cook Books!

I don't remember when I started reading cook books. I guess it aroused from my voracious reading of cooking blogs. Nowadays, whenever I go to library, I take some book from the cooking section.
At present I am reading "Lord Krishna's Cuisine". It's about Indian Veg cooking. The book was stacked up in the basement reserve of the library and I had to wait a couple of days to get it. What lured me was the captivating name of the book. Having started reading it, I felt it was just a normal cook book. I was more interested in knowing what Lord Krishna used to eat.

I was more fascinated by two other cook books I recently read. "Everyday Indian" by Bal Arneson and "Monsoon Diary: A Memoir With Recipes" by Shoba Narayan. Monsoon Diary is more of a biography, beautifully told through the tales of Indian recipes. I enjoyed the book very much. The book portrays the author's life journey. It started from her infancy, proceeded through her childhood ,studies and married life. At the end of each chapter, there is a mouth watering recipe. I liked the way, it was presented.

"Everyday Indian" by Bal Arneson gives you 100 fast and healthy recipes. Apart from my husband, this is the book that created a passion for cooking in me. After reading this book, I started to use grape seed oil for cooking. Grape seed oil is rich in omega 6, contains vitamin C & E and most importantly it is not filling my apartment with the strong burning odour of oil. More than everything, the book is truly motivating. It talks about the importance of eating a healthy diet and tries to create a passion of cooking in the readers.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Is it going to end? I am not sure.

Anyway I liked the movie, though I went with mixed feelings. I feel it's a realistic movie, even though it received a lot of criticism. Of course, I don't have the back up of knowledge to talk about the catastrophe theoretically. I don't know anything about Mayan Calender and prophecies as well.But I believe, the movie portrays something which can happen.

Some of my friends laughed at me when I said I liked the movie. They say, it's a movie for children. My nephew, 7 year old Shambhu believes this is going to happen on 2012. He is making a list of ToDos and Not ToDos. He has prepared a huge list of psp games to be played and movies to be watched. In the list of Not ToDos, he is having a big consolation of not getting married also. I don't know what made him think marriage as a big burden. I remember my niece also said(9 year old) once that she will never get married. When I asked why, she said she doesn't want to have children. I did not try to ask again why. Anyway Shambhu's lists made the family laughed a lot. :)

I read some where about some teenagers writing to NASA Director saying that they are going to commit suicide before the year 2012, since they can't see the end. This trend is not good, if the movie results in such thoughts also.

In short, I enjoyed the movie.But I don't want to believe that it's going to happen.:)