Monday, June 28, 2010

Man proposes...God disposes..

I received a mail yesterday which gave me a very sad of my friends passed away, who was just 27..He died in his sleep..a silent cardiac arrest.. how horrible it is..
He got married only 6 months back...she is also my friend..

The news came as a big shock..I still can't get rid of that or forget their faces..especially her..
somebody said it was at least a peaceful death...Does that really make a the age of 27....

They say everything happens for a reason..but what reason in such instances...That sentence is not true..may be only partially true..
It is a man made statement only to comfort people...

How uncertain our life is...nothing is true...everything is only true at the present can't believe anything...
You can't plan anything... I feel like you should never plan anything...Just live the life in the present..and if you want to do something, do it it now.. who knows what is going to happen tomorrow..

I really sound pretty negative.... May be my thoughts are not making sense at this moment...
But...?? just a question mark only...


ആളവന്‍താന്‍ said...

was your friend's name Sharath?

I heared almost a similar news yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Came here thru chechippennu...My cousin's daughter 27 yrs passed away this 15th. i too hv many unanswered qns.... c u later

ദിയ കണ്ണന്‍ said...


Thank you so much.

Whomever I tell this has a similar story to share.

Some of my friends tried to explain with the help of Bible and Bhagvad Gita.

As for man, his days are like grass;

he flourishes like a flower of the field;

for the wind passes over it, and it is gone,

and its place knows it no more.

(Psalm 103:15-16 )

"soul never dies " etc etc....


I just know one everyone....don't hate anyone.. everyday you have to live like its going to be your last day; you shouldn't have the regrets when you die that you dint do something which you could have done...

Unknown said...

മഹാഭാരത ത്തില്‍ നിന്ന് ഒരേട്‌

ദുര്യോധനാ ഏറ്റവും വിചിത്രമായ കാര്യം എന്താണ് ?
ദുര്യോധനന്‍: എല്ലാവരും ഒരു ദിവസം മരിക്കും എന്നാല്‍
ലോകാവസാനം വരെ ഞാന്‍ ജീവിക്കും എന്നാ രീതിയിലാണ്
ഓരോരുത്തരും ജീവിക്കുന്നത് ഇതില്‍ പരം വിചിത്രമായ സംഗതി എന്താണുള്ളത് ?

K@nn(())raan*خلي ولي said...


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